Workshops & Rain

So, Wednesday was the day of our first official workshop! It was great to get into the rehearsal space and see where we'd be working for the next few weeks. It's only 5minutes from the house, so not far at all to get to. After all the information we had been given at the beginning of the week, I was really looking forward to doing some creative work 

At the beginning of the workshop Flavia asked us to imagine the whole floor as a world map. We were to place a chair to represent the place where we were born. All of us then took a ball of wool and tied the loose end to our birthplace, we then went on a tour of the world re-visiting all the countries we'd ever been to, and placing a chair in those we lived in. If we met someone else in a country we would exchange stories about that place. It was fascinating to see how far people had travelled and hear stories from so many different places. This was the end result of our exercise!

After we had exchanged stories, our next task was to choose one that spoke to us most, had a powerful image or just stuck in our heads and retell it in our own way. I choose Gwens story of how her and a friend walked from France into Spain and spent a night in a little hostel at the top of the Pyrenees mountains. I told the story as if I was a worker in the hostel waiting for people to come by. I created some movement to go along with the text which I wrote, something which I have used before and enjoy experimenting with, and it's something I may revisit. 

Our next workshop was with Tanise Carrali who's company is based in Livramento and is called Cia. P com P de Teatro. She was focusing on street performance and for the first half of the session we spoke about her company and how street theatre is perceived in this particular environment. I was surprised to hear her tell us that street performers are regularly hit or receive a lot of abuse from the public. Some people have had buckets of water thrown on them and some have been physically hurt when trying to perform. I found this shocking, as having spent a lot of time in Glasgow, I have regularly seen street performances and of course sometimes you get people who shout things but mostly if the public aren't interested they just walk past. I guess it made me appreciate my society more, as if i ever wanted to do a street performance I don't think my worries would include being physically abused by passing people. However, after we broke for lunch, we had a terrible thunderstorm, and as our original plan was to go out into the street, this was unfortunately cancelled. So instead, Tanise decided to teach us some traditional dances, and thats how we spent our afternoon! Here is a picture that Tanise uploaded to her company Facebook page. 

The rain!

Our final workshop today was with Michel Croz who had asked us to prepare a poem and bring along an object. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and didn't get to use the poem, but we did speak about our object giving everyone some more information about why we chose it and what is meant to us. Originally, the object was to keep in touch with the themes of border, threat and seduction but when most of us spoke about it, there was a story behind how we got the object. We were then sent out into the park to gather images which we will be using next week Friday to create a group piece. While we were there, I finally got a picture of both blowing in the wind!

I really enjoyed this first week of workshops and learnt a lot in a short space of time. It was great to get everyones creative juices flowing and I am looking forward to working within the group more and more. I still can't believe we have been here almost a week already!


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