Um. One.

The week began with a more factual reading of the two towns/countries. Their history and the relationship between them. Some images that went down on paper show Livramento on the left and Rivera on the right. 

Cyprus trees. Marking pathways in a park in Livramento; and one at the market, right on the border of Riveramento market place-its roots in both.

Market stalls facing eachother either side of the border. Organic facing inorganic. Tents and variety/metal lockers and trainers.

Snippets of our walk from Brazil to Uruguay. Nice crumbling architecture, herbal medicine stalls, smashed windows-to buildings made of glass and the casino tourist attractor. 

This picture in relation to what a local said about wanting progress in Brazil, but not the type that blindly whitewashes and 'modernises'. How important it is to start preserving the buildings and history of Livramento.

These aren't the best sketches. I did them whilst walking along the road. But it is interesting that by drawing them, I have consequentially drawn my responses to the towns. Ie. the organic way in which Livramento's buildings grew over the page, how bored I clearly was drawing this part of Rivera, as well as not drawing any people in the market lockers there.

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